Sunday, April 19, 2009

Load 'em up!

So they've loaded in nearly all of the cabinets... just two more to go. Let's show you what we have so far!

The pic below is the far wall. You can see the sink off to the left and there will be wall cabinets on either side of the window. The inset to the right is for the gas cooktop:

This next picture is a view into the kitchen from the Dining room. Looking at the same wall as above but from the other angle:

A closer in shot:

Next, standing by the sink and where the dishwasher will be, we look at the other wall and see the inset for the Refrigerator and the double-over and warming drawer (Below, but not able to fit in this picture):

Lastly, this is in the far corner, looking back at the new hutch. Same maple wood but painted with a glaze-- very country kitchen with a contemporary flare. The cut-out in the middle will house out new Microwave and this is facing the area that will be the new banquet:

Thursday, April 16, 2009


The cabinets were delivered today. Wayne and Spence will be here tomorrow to start the installation. It is a day and an half process, so by Monday afternoon, they should be done. But here is a teaser of what the cabinets look like.

It's stained!

The floor that is. Yesterday was sanding, staining and one coat of polyurethane. Tomorrow cabinets go in. YAHOO!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Oh Sandy!

Today was a short work day for Wayne. He is already done. He sanded down all the walls. Now we are again on hold until the floor guy can come back. Wayne was hoping it would have been today, but now it seems like Wednesday or Thursday. Big news though, cabinets are slated to go in on Friday.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The BEFORE Video

I've been meaning to upload this for some time. This was the "BEFORE" video that I took on March 17th, before the whole Kitchen project started. Somewhat shocking to watch this, now. It's changed so much over the past 3+ weeks. Anyway, gives everyone a sense of the... uh.... um... shall we say, "Challenges" we faced with our former kitchen and the reasons we opted to change it up and bring it into the 21st Century.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Even muddier

Wayne put on the third, and final coat of mud today. Tomorrow he'll be back to sand and maybe even skimcoat.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Early Morning Mud Pack

Wayne arrived at 7:40 this morning to put the second coat of mud (spackle) on the drywall. That will be it for today's work. Tomorrow he is coming back to do a third and final coat before sanding and skim coating the walls. We're hoping that the flooring guy will be able to come back on Monday to sand and put the first coat of stain on the floor.

So, no new photo updates for a few days and the changes will be minimal and not overly interesting.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Today the walls went up. Drywall is up. Now Wayne needs to do two more coats of mud and a skimcoat. The transformation is amazing. I cannot believe how much they did today and what a change it has made. Sure, going from studs to walls is obviously going to be a big change, but wow!

Powder Room

Rangetop will go along this wall
Looking straight out back

The banquette goes under these windows
Looking from the back door. Ovens and Fridge will be on the left
Sink goes under this window

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Yesterday work was once again on hold. We are now waiting for the insulation inspection. Happily that will happen on Monday. As soon as we pass that, work will resume.

See you Monday.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I'm Floored

I was gone all day today, so I didn't get to watch any of what was going on. When I got home today I was stunned, floored even. Quite literally. The new hardwood floor was installed, pipes were moved for the new vanity, insulation is installed. It looks great. Yet oddly enough, with the floor in, the space suddenly feels a little smaller. The floor isn't done yet though. It still has to be stained. I imagine this will happen towards the end of the project, but who knows. Here is how it looks now. I am so psyched.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

And we're back

Getting the toilet yesterday was relatively painless. We just had to wait almost 20 minutes before they could find a lift to get the toilet off the top shelf at home depot. Here is a photo of it being taken down. I know, exciting, right?

We had our framing, plumbing and electrical inspections today. We passed. So now Wayne is putting the insulation up. We then have to have an insulation inspection. We were given a heads up though that the new a/c duct by the kitchen door will have to have insulation behind it or else it won't pass the inspection, so Dave is coming back tomorrow to fix that. Hopefully we won't have to wait another week for the insulation inspection. Keep good thoughts.

Oh, yesterday, one of our neighbors asked how the remodel was coming and said, "so you're getting your dream kitchen." I informed her, that I am indeed.